DKI Jakarta consists of six municipalities, which consist of five cities and one district, with a total population of 10,557,810 people, and an area of 664.01 km2. The population density is 15,900 people per km2. In 2019, the Bureau of Statistics recorded that the average poverty incidence in DKI Jakarta is 3.47%, with North Jakarta (5.04%) having the highest poverty incidence among the five cities. As mentioned in the limitation, we could not obtain the actual total number of food retailers from both traditional and modern channels in DKI Jakarta. We were able to obtain the number of traditional markets in DKI Jakarta, however other traditional channels such as tukang sayur keliling and toko kelontong were unavailable. For modern food retail channels, we could obtain the number of convenience stores, but data on the number of hypermarkets and supermarkets were unavailable. As a result, it is estimated that DKI Jakarta has 152 traditional markets and approximately 2,135 convenience stores. From the number of food retail data that we have obtained, the food retail density is 3.44 retail per

Data collection was conducted in two cities, Jakarta Utara and Jakarta Barat, in Jakarta province - the capital of Indonesia while five traditional retailers in Jakarta were examined for the retail audit study.